A very interesting Brazilian carrot cake will certainly please you and will not take much time to prepare. The preparation of the dough is very simplified and basically comes down to mixing the ingredients. It turns out a beautiful fluffy cake of sunny color, the color of carrots, pumpkins or autumn leaves … And it is tempting to add grated orange zest to it, to give it a citrus note. And the chocolate icing gives it grace.


250 ml sunflower oil
220 g fine sugar
4 large eggs
3 medium sized carrots (about 330 – 350 g)
300 g wheat flour
2 spoons of baking powder

All ingredients must be at room temperature.
Cooking method:

1. Peel the carrots and cut into slices.
2. Pour oil into the dishes, add sugar, eggs, finely chopped carrots. Mix with a hand blender or immersion blender until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Sift the wheat flour and baking powder directly into the mixture. Stir with a whisk until the ingredients are combined, but no more.
3. Cover the form with parchment, only the bottom. Pour the dough into the mold. Bake the Brazilian carrot cake at 170°C, without hot air, for about 40 minutes. Take out, cool.
4. After cooling, pour thick chocolate icing.